

Michael Sparks

在一个节奏越来越快的世界里,停下来欣赏当下已经成为恢复内心平衡的必要条件。 这就是为什么Natura Bissé创造了一个革命性的仪式,将带你进入健康艺术的新维度。 时尚还是潮流? Charlotte对它进行了测试...

西班牙品牌Natura Bissé既奢华又前沿,所以我很兴奋地查看了它的虚拟现实面部护理。 Natura Bissé在Westfield Shepherd's Bush的水疗中心非常梦幻。 该水疗中心位于高端区The Village,感觉就像一个远离购物中心喧嚣的宁静天堂。 它是开放和通风的,有浅色木地板、桉树叶和蜡烛。在壁炉中闪烁着。


在我选择了我的音乐(经典)和我喜欢的压力(中等)之后,虚拟现实面部护理开始了。 这个名为 "心灵之触 "的15分钟护理可以附加到你选择的任何其他项目上。 它结合了高科技和美容,是一种重新连接现在和放松的方式,提供一些急需的心灵和我的时间。

我把一个耳机(看起来像超大的护目镜)戴在头上。 音频开始了--一个美国女人告诉我保持正念和当下,专注于此时此刻,同时在我面前出现了像云朵在天空中移动的和平图像的视频。 同时,我的治疗师在我放松时按摩我的头、肩膀和脚。

See_also: 命理数字:你的人生道路号码

我设法把注意力集中在呼吸和我的感觉上,这是我通常做不到的,并享受音频,它使你进入放松状态,让你充分欣赏治疗,而不是希望它快点。 我发现自己比平时更注意每一个触摸、气味和压力的感觉。


感觉就像几分钟后,耳机摘下,我开始了我的正式面部护理,全新的禅意。 我正在尝试该品牌新的钻石茧体验。 这不是为那些喜欢在水疗中心呵护和放松的人准备的,其核心是疗效。

首先是使用酶洁面乳进行清洁,然后是活性去皮,分两个阶段使用,非常强烈,所以有刺痛感,闻起来有点不舒服,但超级有效,不需要停工。 接下来是钻石茧精华液,充满了抗氧化剂,然后是面膜和按摩,这有助于皮肤吸收面膜中的成分。 然后将所有产品推入最后是抗污染喷雾和SPF防晒霜,当我照镜子时,我容光焕发:我的皮肤焕然一新,明亮清澈。 此外,在做完这么多的护理后,我比我想象的还要放松。


钻石茧体验,160英镑,Mindful Touch可以加到任何护理中,需额外支付25英镑,Natura Bissé位于Westfield Shepherd's Bush。


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See_also: 我试着做了一次虚拟现实面部护理--事情是这样的

Michael Sparks

Jeremy Cruz, also known as Michael Sparks, is a versatile author who has dedicated his life to sharing his expertise and knowledge across various domains. With a passion for fitness, health, food, and drink, he aims to empower individuals to live their best lives through balanced and nourishing lifestyles.Jeremy is not only a fitness enthusiast but also a certified nutritionist, ensuring that his advice and recommendations are based on a solid foundation of expertise and scientific understanding. He believes that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach, encompassing not only physical fitness but also mental and spiritual well-being.As a spiritual seeker himself, Jeremy explores different spiritual practices from around the world and shares his experiences and insights on his blog. He believes that the mind and soul are as important as the body when it comes to achieving overall wellness and happiness.In addition to his dedication to fitness and spirituality, Jeremy has a keen interest in beauty and skincare. He explores the latest trends in the beauty industry and offers practical tips and advice for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing natural beauty.Jeremy's craving for adventure and exploration is reflected in his love for travel. He believes that traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, embrace different cultures, and learn valuable life lessonsalong the way. Through his blog, Jeremy shares travel tips, recommendations, and inspiring stories that will ignite the wanderlust within his readers.With a passion for writing and a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas, Jeremy Cruz, or Michael Sparks, is the go-to author for anyone seeking inspiration, practical advice, and a holistic approach to life's various aspects. Through his blog and website, he strives to create a community where individuals can come together to support and motivate each other on their journey towards wellness and self-discovery.