

Michael Sparks

在伦敦的每个角落似乎都有一家拉面馆。 当我们需要一个舒适的地方时,日本的面汤是我们的首选。 但是,哪些是真正值得去的? 哪些是只是跳动的趋势? DOSE精心挑选了我们在伦敦最好的拉面馆,让你在下次渴望一碗日本美味的时候,生活变得简单。



在摄政街、卡纳比、肖尔迪奇、利物浦街、苏荷区等地都有分店。 翔龙博多豚骨拉面的配方是由在博多出生和长大的行政总厨古川勘司特别制作的。 然而,这种正宗的豚骨拉面在日本以外的地方很少见。 这就是翔龙的特别之处。


接下来是一品堂,他们一直专注于在日本创造新的拉面文化,现在一品堂计划将日本的文化介绍到全世界。 从伦敦开始,在古德街、卡纳比街等地都有分店,在伦敦很容易体验到这种正宗的拉面。


下一个是Kanada-Ya。 Kanada-Ya在考文特花园、皮卡迪利和天使都有分店,不会让你失望。 它于2009年在九州南部岛屿的小城市Yukuhashi成立,自2014年9月开业以来,一直以提供城市中最正宗的拉面而闻名。 首先,他们的猪骨被炖了18个小时,制成无与伦比的清汤。其次,小麦面条是用正宗的日本机器根据你的喜好现场制作的。 例如,豚骨拉面就特别令人印象深刻。


接下来是Ramo。 如果你想尝试一些现代菲律宾灵感的食物,Ramo是你的地方。 他们甚至是2018年Timeout和Deliveroo的肉汤之战的冠军。 但不要相信我们,自己去看看。 他们在Kentish town和Soho有分店。


最后,我们有了Nanban,这是一个吃日本灵魂食品的地方。 他们从Brixton市场获得灵感和烹饪线索,那里有令人难以置信的全球食材和新鲜产品。 Nanban在2012年开始作为一个弹出式餐厅,提供来自国外的日本食品。 然而,当他们在2015年搬到Brixton的第一个永久场所时,他们开始在这里他们将来自布里斯顿市场的食材融入到他们的烹饪中。 创造了一个九州-布里斯顿融合的菜单,以加勒比海、西非、拉丁美洲、南亚、东南亚、中东等地的风味为特色。 他们可能比世界上任何其他日本餐厅使用更多的苏格兰红辣椒。

喜欢这篇关于伦敦最好的拉面的文章吗? 阅读伦敦最好的亚洲餐厅。

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伦敦的食物种类繁多,所以有很多类型的拉面可供选择。 然而,豚骨拉面是伦敦人的一个流行选择。

See_also: 与你的守护天使联系的方法


是的,伦敦的许多拉面馆都提供素食主义者和素食者的选择。 你可以在网上查看他们的菜单或提前打电话确认。


在伦敦,一碗拉面的价格因餐厅和地点的不同而不同。 平均而言,价格在10-15英镑之间。

See_also: 伦敦6个健康早午餐的最佳场所


建议提前预约,尤其是在高峰期。 不过,一些拉面馆也提供上门服务的选择。

Michael Sparks

Jeremy Cruz, also known as Michael Sparks, is a versatile author who has dedicated his life to sharing his expertise and knowledge across various domains. With a passion for fitness, health, food, and drink, he aims to empower individuals to live their best lives through balanced and nourishing lifestyles.Jeremy is not only a fitness enthusiast but also a certified nutritionist, ensuring that his advice and recommendations are based on a solid foundation of expertise and scientific understanding. He believes that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach, encompassing not only physical fitness but also mental and spiritual well-being.As a spiritual seeker himself, Jeremy explores different spiritual practices from around the world and shares his experiences and insights on his blog. He believes that the mind and soul are as important as the body when it comes to achieving overall wellness and happiness.In addition to his dedication to fitness and spirituality, Jeremy has a keen interest in beauty and skincare. He explores the latest trends in the beauty industry and offers practical tips and advice for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing natural beauty.Jeremy's craving for adventure and exploration is reflected in his love for travel. He believes that traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, embrace different cultures, and learn valuable life lessonsalong the way. Through his blog, Jeremy shares travel tips, recommendations, and inspiring stories that will ignite the wanderlust within his readers.With a passion for writing and a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas, Jeremy Cruz, or Michael Sparks, is the go-to author for anyone seeking inspiration, practical advice, and a holistic approach to life's various aspects. Through his blog and website, he strives to create a community where individuals can come together to support and motivate each other on their journey towards wellness and self-discovery.