AMRAP、DOMS、WOD? 解读健身缩略语

Michael Sparks

健身房里有很多术语,有时感觉像是一种完全不同的语言。 在这里,我们通过解码最常见的健身缩略语来帮助你提高速度。



激烈运动后24至48小时内感到的疼痛和僵硬。 专家认为这是肌肉纤维的微裂缝引起的炎症的结果。


衡量你最佳表现的方法。 这可能是指某项运动的最高次数,举起的最重重量,或跑完某段距离的最佳时间。


在CrossFit中用来表示小组在一次训练中要完成的锻炼的术语。 它因日而异。


EMOM (每分钟都在做的事)

一种锻炼方式,在60秒内完成一定数量的练习。 一旦完成练习,你就休息,并准备在一分钟内开始下一轮。

AMRAP (尽可能多的重复/回合)

AMRAP是一种新陈代谢式的锻炼,目标是在给定的时间内做尽可能多的工作。 这可以是某一特定运动的次数,或几个运动的轮回,尽可能少的休息。




一种有氧运动,主要是在较长时间内以低到中等强度进行有氧活动。 运动类型包括步行、跑步和游泳。


肥大训练的一种类型,由力量教练Charles Stayley创造。 它的原则是在特定的时间段内使用对抗性练习进行尽可能多的次数,即锻炼相反的肌肉群。



BMI是你的体重与身高的比率。 它可以用来衡量你的健康状况,但不能测量你的身体脂肪百分比或身体脂肪分布。

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TDEE (每日总能量消耗)

考虑到运动时你每天燃烧的卡路里总数。 这可以用来确定减肥的卡路里赤字或增肌的卡路里盈余。

你知道吗? 剂量 是多巴胺、催产素、血清素和内啡肽的首字母缩写?

主要图片: Shutterstock


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Michael Sparks

Jeremy Cruz, also known as Michael Sparks, is a versatile author who has dedicated his life to sharing his expertise and knowledge across various domains. With a passion for fitness, health, food, and drink, he aims to empower individuals to live their best lives through balanced and nourishing lifestyles.Jeremy is not only a fitness enthusiast but also a certified nutritionist, ensuring that his advice and recommendations are based on a solid foundation of expertise and scientific understanding. He believes that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach, encompassing not only physical fitness but also mental and spiritual well-being.As a spiritual seeker himself, Jeremy explores different spiritual practices from around the world and shares his experiences and insights on his blog. He believes that the mind and soul are as important as the body when it comes to achieving overall wellness and happiness.In addition to his dedication to fitness and spirituality, Jeremy has a keen interest in beauty and skincare. He explores the latest trends in the beauty industry and offers practical tips and advice for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing natural beauty.Jeremy's craving for adventure and exploration is reflected in his love for travel. He believes that traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, embrace different cultures, and learn valuable life lessonsalong the way. Through his blog, Jeremy shares travel tips, recommendations, and inspiring stories that will ignite the wanderlust within his readers.With a passion for writing and a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas, Jeremy Cruz, or Michael Sparks, is the go-to author for anyone seeking inspiration, practical advice, and a holistic approach to life's various aspects. Through his blog and website, he strives to create a community where individuals can come together to support and motivate each other on their journey towards wellness and self-discovery.