

Michael Sparks

我们已经迷上了用Instagram拍摄食物,流行的标签food porn目前有近2.18亿个帖子。 但它是健康的吗? 我们问营养学家Jenna Hope,为什么food porn是不好的。




在某些情况下,食物色情(特别是高脂肪和高糖的食物)已被证明会增加Ghrelin(饥饿激素)。 它还被发现会刺激前额叶皮层和脑岛--大脑中参与奖励和决策的两个关键组成部分。 还有一种说法是,#食物色情的图像可能会刺激线索诱导的饮食。 这可能意味着,那些谁从事更多的食物A片,有更大的风险消费更多的高糖、高脂肪食物。

See_also: 天使编号447:含义、意义、表现、金钱、双生子和爱情


虽然目前还没有确凿的证据,但重要的是要意识到Instagram对潜在的饮食失调或饮食紊乱的影响。 例如,并非所有有影响力的人都会消费他们发布的所有内容,可能存在为了 "喜欢 "而发布非常有美感的食物的风险。 因此,追随者可能会认为这些食物是由上述人员消费的。此外,影响者可能会发布食物色情类型的饭菜,以此来掩盖与食物的不和谐关系。


食物色情有能力极大地影响我们的饮食行为。 当我们看到扭曲的图像,如分量、成分和颜色,它可以增加对高口感食物的欲望。 这也可以创造围绕食物分量的 "规范",这可能会影响在现实生活中消费的分量。 例如,经常可以看到粥碗里滴着坚果酱(含有远远超过推荐的汤匙份量)或奶昔,三个甜甜圈堆在一起。

照片:Jenna Hope


鉴于Instagram的性质和受欢迎程度,在当今社会避免食物色情是非常困难的。 我建议取消任何你认为扭曲你与食物关系的账户。 除此之外,意识到潜在的影响并质疑你看到的东西可能有助于限制其影响。


但这并不全是坏消息,因为Instagram可以提供健康食品的灵感。 当健康的菜肴看起来美味和诱人时,我们可能更有可能想要烹饪和食用它们。 例如,当自制的咖喱、炖菜和汤在社交媒体上看起来很有美感时,可以鼓励人们食用更健康的食物。


See_also: 天使号码110:含义、意义、表现、金钱、双生子和爱情

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Michael Sparks

Jeremy Cruz, also known as Michael Sparks, is a versatile author who has dedicated his life to sharing his expertise and knowledge across various domains. With a passion for fitness, health, food, and drink, he aims to empower individuals to live their best lives through balanced and nourishing lifestyles.Jeremy is not only a fitness enthusiast but also a certified nutritionist, ensuring that his advice and recommendations are based on a solid foundation of expertise and scientific understanding. He believes that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach, encompassing not only physical fitness but also mental and spiritual well-being.As a spiritual seeker himself, Jeremy explores different spiritual practices from around the world and shares his experiences and insights on his blog. He believes that the mind and soul are as important as the body when it comes to achieving overall wellness and happiness.In addition to his dedication to fitness and spirituality, Jeremy has a keen interest in beauty and skincare. He explores the latest trends in the beauty industry and offers practical tips and advice for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing natural beauty.Jeremy's craving for adventure and exploration is reflected in his love for travel. He believes that traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, embrace different cultures, and learn valuable life lessonsalong the way. Through his blog, Jeremy shares travel tips, recommendations, and inspiring stories that will ignite the wanderlust within his readers.With a passion for writing and a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas, Jeremy Cruz, or Michael Sparks, is the go-to author for anyone seeking inspiration, practical advice, and a holistic approach to life's various aspects. Through his blog and website, he strives to create a community where individuals can come together to support and motivate each other on their journey towards wellness and self-discovery.