

Michael Sparks

有意识的呼吸在健康领域是很重要的,相信我们,它不仅仅是吸气和呼气那么简单。 在这里,我们给伦敦最好的呼吸工作课程提供一些空气时间。

See_also: 天使号码9999:含义、意义、表现、金钱、双生子和爱情


里奇-博斯托克,又名 "呼吸的家伙",在最近开业的(非常梦幻的)MOVE工作室每周举办一次沉浸式呼吸工作课程。 你将从大师那里学习到呼吸的变革力量,并在 "无与伦比的高潮 "中离开。 听听我们与里奇-博斯托克的播客。

在哪里? MOVE,市场大厅,富勒姆

什么时候: 星期三上午7:10 - 7:55

价格: 18英镑(有套餐)。请访问www.themovestudios.co.uk


Exhale是这家豪华健身俱乐部紧凑时间表中的一个新成员。 这是一个超级放松的课程,将引导性的呼吸工作与针对臀部和胸部的缓慢而多汁的哈达流相结合。

在哪里? 在所有第三空间俱乐部中

什么时候: 各种各样的

价格: 会员费每月100英镑起。请访问www.thirdspace.london

Re:Breathe, Re:Mind

我们关注的另一个工作室是Re:Mind,这是一个离维多利亚车站不远的小禅院。 它每周的Re:Breathe课程使用传统的佛教和正念技术来调整你的呼吸并 "挖掘你的内在能量"。

在哪里? Re:Mind, Eccleston Place, Victoria

什么时候: 星期四下午5:30 - 6:15

价格: 22英镑(有套餐)。访问www.remindstudio.com

blokbreath, blok

斯图尔特-桑德曼(Stuart Sandeman)是目前呼吸疗法中最大的名字之一,他在伦敦东部的BLOK站点领导这个以恢复为重点的课程。 在60分钟的课程中,你将被教导一些巧妙的技巧,以更好地呼吸自己。

在哪里? BLOK Shoreditch & Clapton

什么时候: 周三下午4:00-5:00在Shoreditch,周四上午11:15-12:15在Clapton。

See_also: 天使号码110:含义、意义、表现、金钱、双生子和爱情

价格: 17英镑(有套餐)。访问www.bloklondon.com


你也可以在霍尔本的社区空间 "你好,爱 "找到桑德曼,在那里他每周举行一次呼吸小组,使用深层有意识的呼吸工作实践 "转化呼吸"。 它旨在优化身体和情感的健康。

在哪里? 你好,爱,霍本

什么时候: 星期三晚上6:30 - 8:30

价格: 30英镑(有套餐)。访问www.hellolove.org/classes


想来点不寻常的吗? 好吧,Gymbox--伦敦古怪的健身连锁店--提供的密宗呼吸课正是如此。 你需要把你的禁忌留在门外,参加这个感性和流汗的课程,所有关于学习如何爱自己。

在哪里? Gymbox Old Street, Victoria & Westfield Stratford

什么时候: 各种各样的

价格: 会员。访问www.gymbox.com


喜欢这篇关于 "伦敦最好的呼吸法课程 "的文章吗? 请阅读 "什么是呼吸法和最好的老师"。


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在呼吸训练班中,你可以期待学习不同的呼吸技巧,并在有指导的情况下进行练习。 这种体验既能放松又能激发活力。


是的,呼吸法课程适合初学者。 这些技术很容易学习,可以适应不同的经验水平。

Michael Sparks

Jeremy Cruz, also known as Michael Sparks, is a versatile author who has dedicated his life to sharing his expertise and knowledge across various domains. With a passion for fitness, health, food, and drink, he aims to empower individuals to live their best lives through balanced and nourishing lifestyles.Jeremy is not only a fitness enthusiast but also a certified nutritionist, ensuring that his advice and recommendations are based on a solid foundation of expertise and scientific understanding. He believes that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach, encompassing not only physical fitness but also mental and spiritual well-being.As a spiritual seeker himself, Jeremy explores different spiritual practices from around the world and shares his experiences and insights on his blog. He believes that the mind and soul are as important as the body when it comes to achieving overall wellness and happiness.In addition to his dedication to fitness and spirituality, Jeremy has a keen interest in beauty and skincare. He explores the latest trends in the beauty industry and offers practical tips and advice for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing natural beauty.Jeremy's craving for adventure and exploration is reflected in his love for travel. He believes that traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, embrace different cultures, and learn valuable life lessonsalong the way. Through his blog, Jeremy shares travel tips, recommendations, and inspiring stories that will ignite the wanderlust within his readers.With a passion for writing and a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas, Jeremy Cruz, or Michael Sparks, is the go-to author for anyone seeking inspiration, practical advice, and a holistic approach to life's various aspects. Through his blog and website, he strives to create a community where individuals can come together to support and motivate each other on their journey towards wellness and self-discovery.